This might interest those who will be attending the 2018 RipperCon 2018 in Baltimore. I will be one of the speakers and will talk about Francis Tumblety and historical and criminal evidence issues related to him.
Spending years working on my novel, My Ripper Hunting Days, seems to pay off in different ways. The research I had to do on one of my main characters, Francis Tumblety, made me go through all the JTR books I could get a hand on, archives as well as well known JTR forums. So I think I know the guy pretty well. He's considered as one of the main suspects. I however noticed that many arguments used in his case supporting him as a suspect needed to be examined more rigorously something I which I did during these years. The reason for me was to see how far I could carry him in my storyline.
I fell upon many issues which will become the topic of the presentation and will cover these aspects:
- Gathering data
- Selecting data
- Understanding data
- Interpreting data
- Formulating Tumblety theories
I'm not dismissing Tumblety at all but will be pointing out historian and criminoligist POV problems concerning him which btw concern probably even more other suspects.